An unknown officer on whose behalf the story begins, on Georgian military road meets with Maxim Maksimovich, the captain of the Russian army. To spend a night, they stay in the village. Here Maxim Maksimich tells a story of the Mtiuleti people (mountainous region) to his new acquaintance. A Curcusian woman falls in love with a prisoner, Russian military officer. She helps him to escape. The locals chase the fugitive and the officer is shot and killed by a highlander. Devastated Circusian woman jumps from the tower and kills herself. Maxim Maksimich also tells the officer about his old acquaintance, Pechorin and gives him his diaries, which he kept for years. The officer spents whole night reading the diaries. Pechorin’s life unfolds before the movie audience. Next morning Maxim Maksimich and the officer say goodbye to each other and go their separate ways.